Diablo 3 reaper of souls wizard paragon skills
Diablo 3 reaper of souls wizard paragon skills

diablo 3 reaper of souls wizard paragon skills

The beam fractures into a short-ranged cone that deals 649% weapon damage as Arcane. It will be used for the majority of engagements and once a player gets experienced with applying it on the battlefield for maximum DPS, that player will be something to be feared by the minions of hell.Ĭhannel a beam of pure energy forward, dealing 511% weapon damage as Arcane and disintegrating enemies it kills. Here is a screen shot of my current skill selection for my build.ĭisintegrate is the bread and butter attack of this build. While that is the basis of most builds, this one suffers when it runs out… as in it can't produce any damage at all. Oddly enough, it doesn't have any active arcane generators built into it. The entire basis for this build is maintaining Arcane Power. Look for our Clan and Community within Diablo 3 and join us on Discord! The “Slice the Pie” Wizard build Looking for a group to roll with in Diablo 3? The Lone Gamers are ALWAYS looking for new players. A lot of players discredit the wizard as being a mid-range damage class when compared to demon hunters or witch doctors, but fail to realize the big picture. High base damage, while helpful, is not required. The class itself inherently has high damage bonuses on all skills when compared to other classes. A Diablo 3 high damage wizard build should not require much.

diablo 3 reaper of souls wizard paragon skills diablo 3 reaper of souls wizard paragon skills

I've always been a dedicated wizard player. To explain the math, however, I need to first explain my build. It's simple math and it is very easy math to boot. Yuka went over an updated version of this build in the first episode of Friday Night Gaming with Yuka.Ī lot of people ask me in my twitch Stream chat how I have managed to get so much damage out of my wizard in diablo 3. Expect upwards of 10x damage out of this build easily. The damage rates in diablo iii have increased tremendously since this was posted. UPDATE: The numbers reflected in this build are no longer accurate.

Diablo 3 reaper of souls wizard paragon skills